one must revisit the issue of performance

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Lifted by the Narendra Modi phenomenon and flattened by 15 years of anti-incumbency at the State level and 10 years at the Centre,battery fuel gauge and regulator ICs. Altogether, the United Progressive Alliance suffered a body blow. It can be legitimately argued that the Maharashtra voter punished the . But, non-Congress parties demonstrated yet again that they were not hamstrung by incumbency and totted up huge numbers even after multiple terms in office. So, one must revisit the issue of performance,, and the projection of government performance by the Congress-NCP leadership. The high levels of protection extended to the corrupt both in the State and at the Centre could not have escaped the voter. The Adarsh housing scam and the wide publicity it received demonstrated to Maharashtra and the rest of the country just how deep the rot had spread. On the back of the incumbency factor came nature s fury, with hailstorms causing huge farmer distress in the region. There were repeated complaints of relief not reaching the affected people. As in other parts of the country,, the Maharashtra voter has made plain her dissatisfaction with the Congress. With Assembly elections round the corner, the Congress-NCP alliance has just a few months to put the past behind it. But that will be a tough task.

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